Asistent/ka prodeje na plný úvazek 38.75 hod/týd

Skrátený PÚ - 20 hod / týždeň a viac
image/svg+xml 900 € za mesiac
Odmeny - nie
Pracovná zmluva
Študenti Áno


Čo Vás čaká u nás

SportsDirect, part of the Frasers Group, has grown from a small English sporting goods store into a global chain of retail stores with a wide range of sports and luxury fashion goods from various brands. We follow the rule Risk is profit. We are constantly trying to make progress and bring changes to the routine of retail sales by diversifying our portfolio and improving the quality of our sales premises. We never sit idly by. We owe a large part of our success to our passionate and skilled employees with business acumen. We continue to grow and to strengthen our position on the European market, we are looking for full-time sales assistants 38.75 hours/week.

Čo čakáme od Vás

Job description: At Sports Direct, we will give you the opportunity to make full use of your skills and discover many new opportunities. · Active participation in sales; ability to make the most of a sales opportunity · Promoting our company culture and values ​​as a SportsDirect ambassador · Providing excellent customer service that exceeds customer expectations · Ensuring efficient logistics to ensure efficient store stocking · Adherence to standards in all areas of the store


Ako si Vás predstavujeme
Nákupné centrum: Eurovea (Bratislava)
Značka: Sports Direct
Druh pozície: Pracovník predajne
Časový úväzok: Skrátený PÚ - 20 hod / týždeň a viac
Dátum nástupu: Ihneď
Názov pozície: Asistent/ka prodeje na plný úvazek 38.75 hod/týd
Typ zmluvného vzťahu: Trvalý pracovný pomer - TPP
Doba trvania pracovného vzťahu: Na dobu neurčitú
Mzda: 900 € za mesiac
Odmeny: nie
Benefity: Zľavy na firemné produkty, Flexibilná pracovná doba
Vhodné pre študentov: Áno
Požadované minimálne vzdelanie: Stredoškolské
Znalosť jazyka:
sk - Materinský jazyk